
01 WOOMIN constructs its own unique fashion language through philosophical inquiries and artistic explorations.

Merging conceptual art and fashion to explore global phenomena and social issues through the perspective of a sole observer. This fashion language is created through a selective use of fabrics and a distinct sense of tailoring.  Untitled, the brand carries no labels to distract the viewers from the garment itself but leaves a blank and undisturbed space to invite dialogue between the viewer and the garment. 

Influenced by minimalism, pragmatism and deconstruction, 01 WOOMIN seeks to deeply study fabric itself as the foundation to enhancing minimal silhouettes. Through inquisitive explorations of pleating, gathering, and deconstruction as tailoring methods, 01 WOOMIN seeks to discover how fabrics drape and form around the physical body. The brand seeks to pursue fine tailoring and craftsmanship in order to uphold a sustainable vision of buying less, and buying quality. 


From cutting fabric to sewing to ironing to integrating bespoke details, each step is handled with care and precision by master craftsmen and artisans. Seams are cleanly finished, pressed, lined or bonded upholding the brand’s quality of couture craftsmanship and fine tailoring.


Majority of our fabric are sourced from Japan and Italy, in pursuit of natural, delicate, stable and high-quality texture.